Health IT

Better outcomes, lowers costs, healthy population and engaged people

An inefficient medical system. A world-wide health crisis. An analog legacy buckling under the pressure of a burgeoning digital environment. If ever there were a time to overhaul the health space in America, this is it.

Simplify your data access, on your terms

For large private hospitals, and health-related government agencies like Health and Human Services, Department of Veterans Affairs and Military Health System (Department of Defense), Royale provides leading-edge information technology solutions far beyond what other providers are capable of. We have the technology and people-power to simplify your data access, streamline its integration, standardization and storage, and revolutionize the way your facility delivers care—and saves lives


COVID-19 made clear what Royale had known for a long time: Telemedicine will inevitably become a more ubiquitous and powerful feature of our daily life. Our commitment to innovation gave us a head start in developing the software and processes that will soon lead the way in the provision of everyday medical care.

For healthcare facilities it is a secure, streamlined, cost-effective tool that increases access to essential healthcare for all and dramatically improves patient satisfaction. For the health professionals within those facilities it is a convenient and efficient way to engage with patients and peers across communities.

We do not provide off-the-rack solutions. Every client receives custom-developed Telemedicine software to suit their exact needs, as well as the high-level technical team to implement it.


Electronic Health Records (EHR), more than any other technological development, have the power to transform and synthesize the health industry in the United States. EHR is much more than the painstaking conversion of paper to digital files. It is a patient’s entire medical history—and potentially their healthcare future—in editable digital form, instantly and securely available to authorized users nationwide.

The interoperability of EHR provides an unprecedented level of information exchange, saving healthcare organizations on the bottom line and delivering better outcomes for the reason they exist in the first place—the patient.

As a state-of-the-art data management tool, an EHR will:

Contain a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, imaging, and test results—information from all clinicians involved in their care

Allow access to evidence-based tools that providers can use to make decisions about that patient’s care

Automate and streamline provider workflow

SaaS Research Platform

Royale can custom build a HIPAA-compliant SaaS Research Platform to provide insights into advances in EHRs and consumer technologies affecting Health IT, while collecting data of interest, such as genomics, biomarkers and vaccines.

A single, flexible, cost-effective platform can not only combine data from various sources to improve healthcare outcomes, but can also employ Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics to work on new discoveries at speed and scale.

Royale will audit your entire IT footprint and recommend the ideal combination of custom-built, HIPAA-compliant, web and mobile apps, including AI, to ensure the highest performance, with military-grade privacy and cybersecurity.

Thinking beyond

The health industry languishes because it’s bogged down in old technology. But through the appropriate systems and data analytics, Royale can help plot a course out of the quagmire into the 21st century and beyond. By making sense of your data, we empower you to optimize patient/population management, meet all regulatory requirements, and focus on your mission.

EHA major operation

Not many companies can do what we do. It’s a huge undertaking. And every project is unique, which is why we deploy dedicated teams of experts to handle each one. Of course, our teams will hold all essential industry standard HIPAA and healthcare certifications, and our Health Policy Advisor—a former medical doctor—has unparalleled medical experience, having worked with the NIH, CDC and HHS, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins University.

In short, we know our stuff.

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